Does Dribbling With a Smaller Basketball Help?

Basketball players are always looking for ways to improve their dribbling skills. One method some players try is dribbling with a smaller basketball. The idea is that a smaller ball forces you to have more control over the dribble. But does practicing with a smaller basketball actually help improve your handles with a regulation-sized ball?

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the potential benefits and drawbacks of using a smaller basketball to improve your dribbling.

The Theory Behind Using a Smaller Basketball

Using a smaller basketball for training is based on the belief that it can refine a player’s technical skills and boost their performance on the court.

Let’s explore the details of how a smaller basketball can be advantageous, while also recognizing the challenges it brings.

Benefits of Using a Smaller Ball

Improving Hand-Eye Coordination

Using a smaller basketball necessitates more precise movements and a heightened level of focus. The decreased size of the ball requires the eye to track a smaller object, while the hands must respond accordingly to retain control. This can enhance hand-eye coordination as players adjust to the demands of handling a basketball that is less forgiving to inaccurate touches.

Enhancing Ball Handling Skills

Dribbling with a smaller basketball requires greater control and precision. The margin for error is significantly reduced, pushing players to enhance their dribbling technique.

Regular practice with a smaller ball can lead to quicker hands and improved control, which often translates to increased confidence and ball-handling skills when transitioning back to a regulation-sized basketball. Challenges Posed by a Smaller Basketball

Adjusting to the Size Difference

One of the primary hurdles in training with a smaller basketball is the initial adjustment period. Players are accustomed to the size and weight of a regulation ball, and the variation can disrupt their timing and touch.

Adapting to the smaller size requires time and patience, which can be frustrating for some players.

Increased Difficulty in Control

The primary objective of using a smaller basketball is to enhance control. However, this pursuit comes with added difficulty. A smaller ball is more susceptible to slipping off the fingertips, demanding a firmer grip and more precise handling.

This can present challenges during training sessions, particularly for novices or individuals who haven’t yet honed their ball-handling skills.

The Impact of Basketball Size on Training

The size of the basketball has a significant impact on a player’s skill development. By training with basketballs of different sizes, players can focus on various aspects of their game, such as ball handling and shooting technique.

Let’s explore how these size differences can influence the development of skills.

How Different Sizes Affect Skill Development

Ball Handling

Using a smaller basketball can have a significant impact on a player’s ball handling skills. The reduced circumference calls for more precise dribbling and better fingertip control, ultimately enhancing the ability to handle the basketball effectively under pressure. This improved precision translates to better performance during games when transitioning back to a regulation-sized ball.

On the other hand, practicing with a larger ball can also yield benefits. It requires the player to exert more force and control to manipulate the increased size, which aids in developing strength in the wrists and forearms. When switching back to a regulation ball, players may find it easier to maneuver.

Shooting Technique

A smaller ball demands a more precise shooting technique, as there is less room for error. Players must focus on aligning their shooting form and executing follow-through with heightened accuracy to score with a smaller ball. This meticulous attention to detail aids in refining a player’s shooting technique.

Conversely, shooting with a larger ball enhances a player’s grip and release due to its increased weight and size. It assists in developing muscle memory for a seamless shooting stroke that can translate to improved shooting with a standard-sized ball.

Passing and Catching

Passing and catching a smaller ball presents a greater challenge due to its increased speed and unique bouncing characteristics compared to a regulation basketball. Players must enhance their reflexes and timing to execute successful passes and secure catches. This, in turn, translates to more precise and controlled passing during game situations.

On the other hand, using a larger ball highlights the importance of proper hand placement and stronger fingers when catching, as well as the need for increased power and accuracy when passing. This helps to strengthen a player’s hands and enhances their overall passing and catching abilities.

Sensitivity and Touch

Using a smaller basketball can enhance a player’s sensitivity and touch, improving finesse in skills like layups and floaters. Training with different-sized basketballs develops well-rounded skills, challenging players physically and mentally. This consistent practice leads to significant improvements in the game, requiring patience and consistency.

Pros and Cons of Dribbling With a Smaller Basketball

The use of dribbling with a smaller basketball has its supporters and critics.

Recognizing the benefits and drawbacks of this training technique can assist players and coaches in making well-informed choices regarding its inclusion in their practice routines.


Improved Dexterity

Practicing with a smaller ball can enhance finger dexterity and refine fine motor skills, leading to improved control when handling a regulation basketball.

Enhanced Ball Control

Due to its smaller size, a mini basketball necessitates more precise movements, aiding players in developing tighter and more responsive ball control. Consequently, this results in improved handling during high-pressure game situations.

Quicker Hands

The requirement for faster reflexes while dribbling a smaller ball can lead to increased hand speed, which is vital for performing rapid crossovers, drives, and other speed-dependent moves.

Increased Focus

Dribbling a smaller ball demands heightened concentration as it necessitates precise control. This, in turn, can enhance a player’s overall focus during training sessions and games.

Versatility in Skills

Training with a smaller ball can encourage players to experiment with a broader range of dribbling techniques, fostering versatility in their skill set.


Over-Reliance on Skill Training

There is a danger of placing too much emphasis on skill development to the detriment of other vital attributes such as strength, speed, and endurance. Striking a balance in training is essential for optimal basketball performance.

Potential for Bad Habits

If not properly managed, players may develop bad habits by compensating for the smaller size of the ball with incorrect dribbling technique, which can then carry over to their game with a regulation ball.

Adjustment Period

Transitioning from a smaller ball to a standard one may necessitate an adaptation period. Players might initially face challenges with the timing and control of the regulation basketball following practice with a smaller variant.

Specificity of Training

The skills acquired through using a smaller basketball may not always directly transfer to in-game progress, as the dynamics of a real match with a regulation ball differ.

Risk of Injury

There is a slight risk of injury if players are not cautious. The requirement for faster and more accurate movements may result in overuse injuries, especially in the wrists and fingers.


Using a smaller basketball for dribbling exercises can provide real advantages, like better ball control and improved hand-eye coordination. However, it’s crucial to incorporate this practice wisely, making sure it complements a well-rounded training program and doesn’t result in harmful habits or overuse injuries.

By applying it carefully and focusing on the wider aspects of basketball training, this approach can be a valuable technique to refine a player’s skills and contribute to their overall development in the sport.