What Is Up And Down in Basketball?

The term “up and down” in basketball refers to a violation when the ball handler jumps without releasing the ball before landing. In basketball, the up and down is a move where one team gains possession in their own half and attempts to score.

This violation occurs when a player jumps but fails to release the ball before landing back on the ground. The up and down violation results in a turnover, and the opposing team gains possession of the ball. Understanding the concept of up and down is crucial for players to avoid committing this violation and maintain possession during the game.

What Is Up And Down In Basketball

Up and down in basketball refers to a violation where the ball handler jumps without releasing the ball before landing back on the ground, resulting in a turnover. It is a move that occurs when a team takes possession of the ball in their own half and tries to score.

In basketball, the term “up and down” refers to a violation committed by the ball handler. Here’s what it means:

  • When the ball handler jumps into the air without releasing the ball before landing back on the ground, it is considered an “up and down” violation.
  • This violation occurs when the player loses control of the ball during a jump, fails to pass or shoot before landing, and then regains control of the ball.
  • It is also known as a “traveling” violation, as the player takes more than the allowed number of steps without dribbling.

Remember, in basketball, maintaining control of the ball while making moves is crucial to avoid committing this violation.

Why Is It Important To Understand this Concept?

Understanding up and down in basketball is crucial as it refers to a violation where the ball handler jumps but fails to release the ball before landing back on the ground. It is essential to grasp this concept to avoid turnovers and maintain proper gameplay.

This violation is also known as a travel.

Avoiding Turnovers And Maintaining Possession:

  • Turnovers can significantly impact the outcome of a basketball game. Understanding and avoiding “up and down” violations is essential for players to maintain possession of the ball and prevent turnovers.
  • By adhering to the rules and not committing “up and down” violations, players can minimize the risk of losing possession and maximize their team’s scoring opportunities.
  • Maintaining possession is crucial for offensive strategies, as teams can continue their offensive play without interruptions or turnovers caused by “up and down” violations.
  • Avoiding turnovers allows teams to maintain control of the game, dictate the pace, and increase their chances of winning.

Comprehending and preventing “up and down” violations in basketball can greatly impact a player’s and team’s overall performance. By avoiding turnovers and maintaining possession, players can maximize their team’s scoring opportunities and increase their chances of success on the court.

Common Situations That Lead To Up And Down Violations

Pump fakes and shot fakes:

  • Players often use pump fakes and shot fakes to deceive their defenders and create opportunities to score. However, if a player jumps into the air and fails to release the ball before landing back on the ground, it is considered an up and down violation.

Dribbling into the frontcourt:

  • When a player dribbles the ball from the backcourt into the frontcourt, they must ensure that at least one of their feet is completely across the half-court line. If they fail to do so and their foot touches the ground in the backcourt again, it results in an up and down violation.

Throwing the ball upcourt:

  • If a player throws the ball from the backcourt to the frontcourt and it is caught or touched by a teammate before it crosses the half-court line, they must establish frontcourt status by having both feet and the ball completely in the frontcourt. Failure to do so leads to an up and down violation.

How To Avoid Up And Down Violations

Proper footwork and timing:

  • Maintain a solid foundation by positioning your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Stay balanced and avoid lifting both feet off the ground simultaneously.
  • Initiate your jump before releasing the ball, ensuring it leaves your hands before landing.

Understanding frontcourt status:

  • Be aware of your location on the court and whether you are in the frontcourt or backcourt.
  • The frontcourt refers to the offensive half of the court.
  • Crossing the midcourt line establishes frontcourt status.

Knowing when to pivot off a dribble jump stop:

  • Use a dribble jump stop to gather yourself and establish a pivot foot.
  • Pivoting allows you to make a pass, shoot, or continue your dribble in a new direction.
  • Be mindful of your pivot foot, as lifting or dragging it before releasing the ball results in a violation.

Practice Drills To Improve Awareness Of Up And Down Rules

Improve basketball awareness with practice drills that focus on understanding the up and down rules. Enhance your skills by mastering the concept of possession and scoring in your own half of the court.

Footwork And Pivoting Exercises:

  • Perform ladder drills to improve foot speed and coordination.
  • Practice pivoting on one foot while maintaining balance and control.
  • Incorporate cone drills to enhance agility and change of direction.
  • Work on quick feet movements using the agility ladder.
  • Perform side-to-side slides to improve lateral movement.
  • Practice defensive stance drills to develop quick reactions and defensive positioning.
  • Incorporate jump rope exercises to improve overall footwork and stamina.
  • Focus on proper technique for jumping and landing to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Utilize ladder drills with different patterns to challenge and improve footwork skills.
  • Practice jump stops and quick starts to enhance explosiveness and acceleration.

Scrimmages And Game Simulations:

  • Divide players into teams and play full-court scrimmages to simulate game-like situations.
  • Emphasize the importance of maintaining possession and avoiding turnovers.
  • Encourage players to make quick, decisive decisions to maintain control of the ball.
  • Promote communication and teamwork to ensure smooth transitions and efficient ball movement.
  • Practice executing different offensive sets and plays to increase awareness of spacing and positioning.
  • Incorporate defensive drills that focus on denying passing lanes and applying pressure on the ball handler.
  • Implement situational game simulations, such as fast break scenarios, to enhance decision-making skills.
  • Emphasize the consequences of turnovers and the significance of valuing each possession.
  • Provide feedback and constructive criticism to help players improve their decision-making abilities.
  • Simulate various game situations, such as late-game scenarios, to enhance players’ awareness and decision-making skills.

Frequently Asked Questions On What Is Up And Down In Basketball?

How To Do Up And Under?

To perform an up and under in basketball, initiate a fake shot or pump fake, then lift the ball up towards the hoop before coming back down for a layup or jump shot. Remember to keep the movement fluid and unpredictable.

What Is A Back Down In Basketball?

In basketball, a back down is when a player uses their body to push an opponent closer to the basket.


While the concept of up and down in basketball may seem simple on the surface, understanding its technical definition and how it guides player movement and refs’ calls is an important part of truly grasping the game. Maintaining proper verticality and distinguishing legal moves from fouls can ultimately impact the outcome of close games. With a closer look at these up and down details, fans can gain a deeper appreciation for the skill involved.