When Is the Best Time to Buy NBA Tickets?

For diehard NBA fans, catching a live game is a dream come true. But timing your NBA ticket purchase right can save you big money. Ticket prices fluctuate leading up to the season and depend on matchups, days of the week, and more.

In this blog post, we’ll go over the prime times to buy cheap NBA tickets for maximum savings without sacrificing seat quality. Whether you want courtside seats or nosebleeds, we’ll outline the best tips on snagging affordable NBA tickets for any game on your bucket list.

Understanding NBA Season Phases

Preseason, Regular Season, and Playoffs

The NBA season is split into three separate phases, each with its unique characteristics and implications for buying tickets.

Preseason: Taking place in October, this period consists of exhibition games aimed at refining team rosters and strategies before the regular season begins.

Preseason tickets are usually in lower demand since these games don’t contribute to the regular season standings and star players often have limited playing time.

As a result, it’s an opportune time for fans to purchase tickets at a more affordable price and experience a less crowded atmosphere.

Regular Season: Taking place from October to April, the regular season is when the intensity ramps up and matches become crucial for playoff rankings.

Ticket prices during this period can vary significantly. Generally, prices are higher at the beginning of the season due to the anticipation of a fresh start, during prominent holiday games, and as teams secure playoff berths towards the end of the season.

Mid-season matches, particularly against less high-profile teams, may present better opportunities for bargains.

Playoffs: Starting in April and culminating in the NBA Finals in June, the playoffs are a high-stakes affair, with tickets in high demand. As teams advance through the playoffs, ticket prices tend to rise, reaching their peak during the Finals.

Buying early or during the initial rounds may offer more affordable prices, but expect an increase as the championship approaches.

Peak Games vs. Off-Peak Games

Peak Games: These are the matchups that generate the greatest interest, usually involving marquee teams, star players, or rivalries.

Moreover, games with playoff implications or special events such as jersey retirements or ring ceremonies are considered peak games. Tickets for these games are typically priced higher and sell out rapidly, so it is advisable to purchase them early or look for presales.

Off-Peak Games: On the other hand, off-peak games refer to regular-season matches that typically feature less popular teams, weekday schedules, or time slots that are less desirable, such as after major holidays or on school nights.

These games provide an opportunity for bargain deals, as tickets are often sold at discounted prices to fill the seats, particularly when purchased closer to the game date when sellers are eager to sell any remaining inventory.

Having a grasp of the different phases of the NBA season and distinguishing between peak and off-peak games is vital when deciding the optimal time to purchase tickets. Typically, for the most favorable deals, it is advisable to look into preseason or regular-season games against less renowned teams and be vigilant for off-peak matchups.

Factors Influencing Ticket Prices

Team Performance and Popularity

The success and popularity of an NBA team play a significant role in determining ticket prices. Teams with a strong winning record, particularly those in championship contention, tend to experience high ticket demand, resulting in increased prices.

Conversely, teams with poorer performances may offer more affordable tickets to attract spectators. Additionally, teams with a large, dedicated fanbase or a rich franchise history (such as the Los Angeles Lakers or Boston Celtics) can command higher prices based on their enduring popularity, regardless of current standings.

Matchups and Rivalries

Matchups and rivalries also contribute to ticket demand. Games between historic rivals, like the Lakers versus Celtics, or newer rivalries that develop due to recent playoff series, are often highly sought after.

Similarly, matchups featuring top-tier teams or superstar players draw fans willing to pay a premium for the live experience. These marquee matchups are usually known in advance, resulting in higher prices even if tickets are purchased early in the season.

Player Injuries and Rest Days

Player injuries and rest days have real-time impacts on ticket prices. The absence of star players due to injuries or scheduled rest can decrease demand, leading to lower prices. Fans generally want to see the best players in action, and the possibility of missing a marquee player can deter ticket purchases.

Staying updated on player status reports can be beneficial for fans seeking good deals, although this information may sometimes be released close to game time, requiring a more flexible ticket-purchasing approach.

Timing Your Purchase

Early Bird Strategies

Securing the best seats at a reasonable price is often possible by purchasing tickets as soon as they are available, especially for highly anticipated games.

Early buyers benefit from a wider seat selection and potentially lower prices before demand increases. If you’re aiming to attend a specific high-profile game or sit in premium sections, buying early is usually the best strategy to ensure you get the exact tickets you desire.

Last-Minute Deals: Pros and Cons

Purchasing tickets last minute can sometimes lead to great deals, especially if sellers are trying to get rid of unsold tickets. However, it comes with risks. The selection might be limited, and for popular games, there might not be any tickets left at all.

You might find a bargain, but there’s also a chance of missing out completely or paying a higher price for a less desirable seat.

Weekday vs. Weekend Games

Weekend games are often in high demand, resulting in higher ticket prices due to their convenience for most work schedules. On the other hand, weekday games, especially those from Monday to Thursday, can provide more affordable options. If your schedule allows, attending games on these days might offer better deals.

Analyzing Price Trends and Attendance

By studying historical price trends and attendance patterns, you can determine the optimal moments to purchase tickets. Games with lower attendance, typically on weekdays or against less popular teams, tend to experience a decrease in ticket prices. Examining previous seasons can provide valuable insights into when ticket prices are likely to be more affordable.

Special Promotions and Deals

Seasonal Discounts and Offers

Teams frequently provide promotional prices at various points throughout the year, such as at the beginning of the season or during mid-season attendance slumps. Keep an eye out for these offers, as they can lead to substantial savings.

Group Rates and Family Packs

Buying tickets as a group or making use of family packs can provide significant savings. These offers are great for those going with friends or family and may even include extras like food and drink vouchers or merchandise.

Using Ticket Platforms and Apps

Comparison Shopping for the Best Deals

Use ticket platforms and apps to compare prices from various vendors. Certain websites may have lower fees or offer better prices depending on their inventory.

Alerts and Notifications for Price Drops

Numerous ticket platforms provide alerts for price drops on particular games or teams. By subscribing to notifications, you can seize the opportunity when prices fall, guaranteeing a good value for your money.

Seasonal and Holiday Considerations

Off-Season vs. High-Season Pricing

Ticket prices can vary greatly between the off-peak and peak seasons. Early regular season games and post-holiday matchups may provide more competitive pricing compared to peak season games around Christmas and New Year’s.

Holiday and Special Event Game Prices

During holidays or special events, games are often in high demand, resulting in correspondingly high prices. If you’re looking to get these games, the primary strategies are to either buy them early or wait for a last-minute deal (though this comes with inherent risks).

Resale Market Insights

Safe Practices for Buying Resold Tickets

When buying from the second-hand market, choose trustworthy platforms that provide buyer protection. Be cautious of deals that appear too good to be true and stay alert for potential scams.

Timing the Resale Market

Ticket resale prices can change up until the event. Keep an eye on the market and be prepared to buy when you find a great deal. Prices can decrease significantly as the event approaches, but this approach requires flexibility and the willingness to potentially miss out if tickets sell out.


Mastering the art of buying NBA tickets at the optimal time requires a combination of strategic planning and informed decision-making. Whether you’re an eager early bird seeking the perfect seat or a budget-conscious fan looking for last-minute deals, understanding the intricacies of NBA seasons, team matchups, and player availability can help you find the best prices.

Utilizing ticket platforms and apps for comparison shopping, taking advantage of special promotions, and navigating the resale market wisely are all essential strategies.